One photo a day project again 2017 & into 2018 here….
Sunday 11th December 2016. It has been 1 year since I started this project which began as a 30 day experiment. I then continued with a few more rounds and ended up keeping it going. It has been a good discipline and has served as a visual journal. Some of the photos are pretty mundane and a handful are a little more interesting and I can see new work developing out of them. I am going to continue taking photos regularly as a result of this. I will share new projects and bodies of work again here in future. Thank you for being on this journey with me those of you who have followed this. In the meantime I share other work regularly on Instagram so please feel free to follow on there.
Saturday 10th December. Clock tower (Brighton)

Friday 9th December. Condensation line dance

Thursday 8th December. Marks on walls (Brighton)

Wednesday 7th December. Selfie mask - selfie bullshit

Wednesday 7th December. Practice

Monday 5th December. Street markings

Sunday 4th December. Man looking at Anselm Kiefer painting (White Cube, Bermondsey, London)

Saturday 3rd December. Arks, Margot & Bertie (Manor House, London)
Friday 2nd December. Test (Sarah)
Thursday 1st December. Wall

Wednesday 30th November. F*$k the pig’s (Teville Gate, Worthing)
Tuesday 29th November. From my window
Monday 28th November. Lust for life (Iggy is with me in the kitchen)

Sunday 27th November. Drinking whiskey (On Brighton pier)
Saturday 27th November. Hannah at the units (Clapton, London)
Friday 25th November. Street view (BT Tower, London)

Thursday 24th November. Bear
Wednesday 23rd November. A few years ago I accidentally knocked my Buddhas fingers off. I gave him a new lease of life by rolling his hands and face in glitter. His mudra now is a ‘Rock on' symbol. 80s metal cheese ball. I meditate with him everyday.
Tuesday 22nd November. Aerials side by side.
Monday 21st November. Peaceful room after teaching this evening.

Sunday 20th November. Arranging pictures & postcards purposefully (each with their own significance & thread to one another), realising its’s 12.45am & haven’t done a picture of the day & so this is it.

Saturday 19th November. My pockets are empty, my mood morose, yet the streets, they appear to be paved with gold. (Wondering around Brighton streets in the rain)

Friday 18th November. Made a start in creating a personal shrine to meditate & connect to those who inspire me. Plenty more to add gradually. Music playing, candles & incense burning, up until the early hours.

Thursday 17th November. Aged boat paint (Shoreham-By-Sea)

Wednesday 16th November. Autumn sunset from my window

Tuesday 15th November. Mama gave me yellow flowers to symbolise the sun

Monday 14th November. Sitting

Sunday 13th November. Silhouette (Hove beach stroll)

Saturday 11th November. Making nachos - comfort food kind of day.

Friday 11th November. Onwards Leonard Cohen. 1934-2016

Thursday 10th Novemeber. Ten green bottles sitting on a wall (Margot’s, London)

Wednesday 9th November. Wall on Turville Street (Shoreditch)

Tuesday 8th November. Autumn leaves

Monday 7th November. Dusk from my loft window
Sunday 6th November. In charge & on charge

Saturday 5th November. Items on my shelf. Hannah Hoch book, sewing tin, Kirchner postcard, art work given to me by Hannah Terry, little objects she sent from Mexico & candle.

Friday 4th November. Even Buddha gets kicked in the crotch. (Shop window, Brighton lanes)

Thursday 3rd November . Nosferatu having a cup of tea. (life model break)

Wednesday 2nd November. Tired face, broken mirror. Broken face, tired mirror. (London)
Tuesday 1st November. Maeve looking at angry man graffiti (Prague)
Monday 31st October. Zavěšený muž - Man hanging out (Prague)

Sunday 30th October. Myshak (in his new coat) & Margot on the tram (Prague)

Saturday 29th October. Autumn walk along Vltava (Prague)

Friday 28th October. Margot, TJ, Maeve & Sam before Myshak’s 30th party, 1986 theme. (Prague, Czech Republic)

Thursday 27th October. Ghost Pier. Early morning cycle (Worthing)
Wednesday 26th October. No photo today

Tuesday 25th October. Fully inhabiting my shoes, feeling alert to every sensation in my being this afternoon

Monday 24th October.
My little neph’, Ry
rolled up like a sausage roll
at Opa’s feet, safe.

Sunday 23rd October. Mum’s cake - Sticky ginger cake with clementine glaze, pistachios & pomegranates

Saturday 22nd October. In flight

Friday 21st October. The Drawing Circus event - backdrop, 'Stranger Things’ themed (Brighton)

Thursday 20th October. Faded fish (The Lido, Worthing)

Wednesday 19th October. Numex Twighlight Chilli pepper plant infront of ‘A Perfect Logic’ painting (by my dear friend, Grant Foster, 2010)

Tuesday 18th October. Reflection on my open window

Monday 17th October. The Milking Parlour (The Farm)

Sunday 16th October. Mid afternoon after the night before or something (Nicholas’ 50th Birthday Party - The Farm)

Saturday 15th October. Rubens (The Farm)

Friday 14th October. Curly (arrival at The Farm)

Thursday 13th October. My eyes tonight

Wednesday 12th October. Stuff in the street

Tuesday 11th October. Waking up to Laura’s inspiration - Leigh Bowery

Monday 10th October. Yes Laura (London visit)

Sunday 9th October. Forest in the sand (Morning walk at beach)

Saturday 8th October. The only way to make both this time & this photo work is to turn everything on its head

Friday 7th October. Cycle along promenade at dusk. (Goring-by-Sea)

Thursday 6th October. Students about to open door (Visiting Brighton University for Photo Biennial)

Wednesday 5th October. Meditation time

Tuesday 4th October. This Autumn/Winter you will mostly find me here (Studio)

Monday 3rd October. Early morning cycle to work. (Shoreham-By-Sea)

Sunday 2nd October. Wall (Brighton Lanes)

Saturday 1st October. Father & son (Perch cafe, Lancing)

Friday 30th September. A small section of graffiti wall (Brighton)

Thursday 29th September. Long awaited

Wednesday 28th September. Squirrel with pebble

Tuesday 27th Septemeber. Impulsive & inspired mask, face collage (Jamie at work)

Monday 26th September. Waiting for platform announcements (London Victoria Station)

Sunday 25th September. Sarah infront of CUNT CUNT CUNT graffiti (Milllfields Park, Hackney)

Saturday 24th September. Claude & Laura at The Last days of the Candy House last FINAL Party (Mile End)

Friday 23rd September. Visiting Adam - at his new bar Bernsteins, before it opens (Chatsworth Road, Hackney)

Thursday 22nd September. The only photo taken today

Wednesday 21st Septemeber. Man looking all cinematic

Tuedsay 20th September, Gesture spotted walking along Lancing seafront

Monday 19th September. Walking out after teaching a deeply restorative class

Sunday 18th Septemeber. Couple look out to sea (Worthing Pier)

Saturday 17th Septemeber. Made a chicken pie for Margot

Friday 16th September. Thinking of Yve Tanguy

Thursday 15th September. Thelma & Louise

Wednesday 14th September. In bed in the dark all day, sick.

Tuesday 13th September. Hanging out with B & Ed (Goring-By-Sea)

Monday 12th Sept. Footprints in low tide (River Adur, Shoreham-By-Sea)

Sunday 11th Sept. Woman on a rock between houses

Saturday 10th Sept. A rose from my sisters garden

Friday 9th Sept. Visiting Anth (Brighton)

Thursday 8th Sept. This gesture means something to somebody (morning cycle to work)

Wednesday 7th Sept. Looking out my window at sun down

Tuesday 6th Sept. Drying out converse
(Day gap)

Day 51, 4th September. The morning after the night before (J & D’s wedding)

Day 50, 3nd September. Dapper gents (Julian & Nicholas - on steam train to Swanage)

Day 49, 2nd September. Silhouettes in the marquee

Day 48, 1st September. Espadrilles

Day 47, 31st August. Flat white - Tomfoolery Cafe (Shoreham-by-Sea)

Day 46, 30th August, Spotted on early morning cycle to work

Day 45, 29th August. New mats arrived, creating a space for a brand new yoga class.

Day 44, 28th August. Flats from behind (View from top of multi story car park, Worthing)

Day 43, 27th August. Solitary walk up to Cissbury Ring

Day 42, 26th August. Boy attempting to cool down (Small World Festival)

Day 41, 25th August. Fossil shop (Small World Festival)

Day 40, 24th August. Shadow on my ankle

Day 39, 23rd August. Laying on my back on my lunch break (Shoreham-By-Sea)

Day 38, 22nd August. Lines

Day 37, 21st August. Eva Destruction (Brigthon Pier)

Day 36, 20th August. Visiting Lady Zooty (Brighton)

Day 35, 19th August. IAMFYA smashed it (Gig at The Marlborough - Brighton)

Day 34, 18th August. Poppies People Crows. (Goring-By-Sea)

Day 33, 17th August. Just before the pesto is blended

Day 32, 16th August. Empty sail boats (Goring-By-Sea)

Day 31, 15th August. Broken pot in street

Day 30, 14th August. Moved by Carol

Day 29, 13th August. Mum’s orchid.

Day 28, 12th August. This single hanging wire. Other wire far behind.

Day 27, 11th August. Roadwork hyroglifics

Day 26, 10th August. Fresh greens

Day 25, 9th August. Some little magical things friends have given me over time.

Day 24, 8th August. Flower shadows

Day 23, 7th August. Embassy Court (Brighton)

Day 22, 6th August. Big Saz Tiny Arks “Won’t you come on in?” (Mates visit)

Day 21, 5th August. Maeve (Mates visit)

Day 20, 4th August. Champagne - celebrating

Day 19, 3rd August. This one candle burning

Day 18, 2nd August. Caretaker after teaching restorative yoga class.

Day 17, 1st August. Careful display of love and warmth (in my room)

Day 16, 31st July. Sunny Sunday afternoon. (Bimble Bandada Festival)

Day 15, 30th July. Lizard Lounge tent (Bimble Bandada Festival)

Day 14, 29th July. Visiting Angies' horse box (Bimble Bandada Festival)

Day 13, 28th July. A few highly necessary camping items

Day 12, 27th July. Clothing impression on thigh

Day 11, 26th July. Using oven for first time in my new flat & I crave fish fingers

Day 10, 25th July. Found bird cage, interior wallpaper sample, fairy lights gift = bedside lamp & key holder

Day 9, 24th July. Unpacked some necklaces

Day 8, 23rd July. Trans Pride March (Brighton)

Day 7, 22nd July. Fresh fruit, lion head

Day 6, 21st July. Taygan performing. (Helping at The Busk Stop competition - Brighton)

Day 5, 20th July. Painting until the early hours

Day 4, 19th July. Full moon from my window

Day 3, 18th July. Warm evening, white wine

Day 2, 17th July. Second Movement (Ragnar Kjartansson, Barbican)

Day 1, 16th July. Wuthering Heights - Hundreds of Kate Bushes (Lambeth Country Show)
After a short break, this project has bursts. The last one being 41 days. I’ll aim for another 30 days now and take from there

Day 41, 10th July. Sarah, Julian (on his birthday) & Ziggy

Day 40, 9th July. Sarah getting ready in our room (The Farm)

Day 39, 8th July. Beautiful B (Farm Walk)

Day 38, 7th July. Frode & Nicholas (The Farm - Shropshire)

Day 37, 6th July. Legs

Day 36, 5th July. Laura modelling

Day 35, 4th July. Man, whatever, everything has gone bananas (Brighton)

Day 34, 3rd July. My tiny free range egg

Day 33, 2nd July. Rain cloud over Suburbia at dusk (Goring-By-Sea)

Day 32, 1st July. Shop window reflection (South Lanes - Brighton)

Day 31, 20th June. Worthing beach promenade

Day 30, 29th June. House scars

Day 29, 28th June. Naomi - Life model break time

Day 28, 27th June. Is it wrong to admit that am curious who voted remain? (Worthing)

Day 27, 26th June. Full lotus…potential opening

Day 26, 25th June. Rain clouds form over the South East coast

Day 25, 24th June. Referendum party turned mourning gathering (Worthing)

Day 24, 23rd June. Post-vote reflection

Day 23, 22nd June. Rainy walk home

Day 22, 21st June. Station footbridge (Durrington-on-Sea)

Day 21, 20th June. Oil, soy sauce n ginger

Day 20, 19th June. Record breaking kissing chain to stay in EU (Parliament Square - London)

Day 19, 18th June. Friends & super heroes (Children’s street parade, SouthWest Fest Pimlico)

Day 18, 17th June. Remants of the night before - candles lit for Orlando victims (Soho)

Day 17, 16th June. Jumped the wall, sat in graveyard.

Day 16, 15th June. Red nails with daisies

Day 15, 14th June. I seem to have revealed the 70s

Day 14, 13th June. Queens Road (Worthing)

Day 13, 12th June. Rock on Splash Point

Day 12, 11th June, Walk along Shoreham beach

Day 11, 10th June. Pavillion at night (Worthing)

Day 10, 9th June. Wood Work Saw Scars

Day 9, 8th June. Waiting for the train

Day 8, 7th June. Moulettes (Resident - Brighton)

Day 7, 6th June. Finding abstracts

Day 6, 5th June. Setting light on newly painted wall

Day 5, 4th June. Feather Chalk Stone Blue.

Day 4, 3rd June. Wall (by the old Aquarina - Worthing)

Day 3, 2nd June. The simple satisfaction of using a roller

Day 2, 1st June. Painting and decorating

Day 1, 31st May. My friend George Orange in - How I almost became the first lady of the USA (Brighton Fringe)
(Away for bank holiday weekend and decided to respect the privacy of event and not take photos so am starting again tomorrow…)

Day 11, 27th May. Found on train seat

Day 10, 26th May. Three friends (Brighton)

Day 9. 25th May. Dust curtain just before dusk

Day 8, 24th May. Walking home post life modelling

Day 7, 23rd May. Romy’s Füße (The Candy House)

Day 6, 22nd May. Southbank

Day 5, 21st May. Door on Union Street

Day 4, 20th May. God’s own Junkyard (Walthamstow)

Day 3, 19th May. Man contemplating (Greenwich Cutty Sark)

Day 2, 18th May. Melancholly rainy day, first customer (The Teas Room, Worthing)

Day 1. 17th May. Self portrait, up writing, frustrated, urgent, restless, pissed off, 2am.
I dropped my camera and the lens was damaged back when took the last photo below. I’ve missed posting one photo a day. I really benefitted from the daily discipline. Using the instagram app, although immediate, just isn’t as rewarding. I’ll continue to use it to record things spontaneously but am back here for another ole stint. This time using my legs to zoom with another lens am borrowing in meantime.
27th April 2016. I have joined Instagram to share my photos from today. Come visit here to view art works and blogs from time to time...
Just done 31 days as bonus. A little break now and back again shortly to continue for another stint. Come back soon.

Day 31, 17th April. Sunday afternoon (Maeve, Mago & Rubens)

Day 30, 16th April. Womens weekend retreat (Norwood Hill)

Day 29. 15th April. Snazaroo

Day 28, 14th April. Fresh fish from seafront - kedgeree

Day 27, 13th April. Mind the…(I did not take a photo on this day - so I added this one from a week ago)

Day 26, 12th April. Sorting out garage with dad, finding tons of his old paintings (The Twins, diptych, 1986)

Day 25, 11th April. Architects plan

Day 24, 10th April. Thinking of Anslem Kiefer (Oxford Circus underground)

Day 23, 9th April. Disco ball (Costume Camp party - Bethnal Green Working Mens Club)

Day 22, 8th April. Always a hit of inspiration (Kate Tempest book launch at De la Warr Pavillion)

Day 21, 7th April. I made chicken satay

Day 20, 6th April. Battenberg.

Day 19, 5th April. Studio space ceiling

Day 18, 4th April, Here the whole of today...

Day 17, 3rd April. Side of ship (Shoreham-by-Sea)

Day 16, 2nd April, Up late, just make some marks to start

Day 15, 1st April. Target (Spencer Swaffer Antiques - Arundel)

Day 14, 31st March. Slippers

Day 13, 30th March. Under the bridge (Trafalger Street, Brighton)

Day 12, 29th March. I see with a Hundertwasser lens (The Dome - Worthing)

Day 11, 28th March, Spring beneath the winds

Day 10, 27th March. Easter Sunday, Mama’s roulade

Day 9, 26th March, Let the children boogie, Bowie tribute night. St Pauls Art Centre, Worthing

Day 8, 25th March. Tonights nourishment

Day 7, 24th March. Fragmented glass (Shoreham-by-Sea foot bridge)

Day 6, 23rd March. V. Raising the roof literally & metaphorically to the injustice of last night. V.

Day 5, 22nd March. I see a Chinese sea dragon

Day 4, 21st March. Woman looking out to sea. (end of Worthing Pier)

Day 3, 20th March. Dusty bottles (Brighton Racehorse carboot sale)

Day 2, 19th March. Kid Art (Lancing seafront)

Day 1, 18th March. New wheels
New round…

Day 30, 15th March. Soft light, gentle shadow.

Day 29, 14th March. Erratic gulls.

Day 28, 13th March. Dream garden breks

Day 27, 12th March. Bone & Lobster finds (Arkem & Claude - Ferring)

Day 26, 11th March. Silly mate times (weekender)

Day 25, 10th March. Sea view at studio after teaching Yoga class lunchtime

Day 24, 9th March, Teville Gate, still crap (Worthing)

Day 23, 8th March, Thinking of Bjorks orange afro (Worthing seafront)

Day 22, 7th March, In the garden at Pelicano (Brighton)

Day 21, 6th March. Mothers Day Cream Tea (Belinda’s - Arundel)

Day 20, 5th March. View from way up the stairwell at work (Worthing)

Day 19, 4th March. Short stroll (Lancing)
Day 18, 3rd March. Aging beach hut (Ferring)

Day 17, 2nd March. My folks cat, Mischa

Day 16, 1st March. Dafodils infront of (one of the) 'Three graces’ painting (by Jurgen Ziewe)

Day 15. 29th Feb. Practice time

Day 14, 28th Feb. Woody with new painting (My ole gaf, Hackney)

Day 13, 27th Feb. Beatty, of another time (Gender Fluids Party - Lower Clapton, London)

Day 12, 26th Feb, Rachel King of Sky Palace (Hackney)

Day 11, 25th Feb. Bad/Creepy Art at Warhol Night (Hackney)

Day 10, 24th Feb. Man sells Masks (Revamp, Brighton)

Day 9, 23rd Feb. Street Art (Trafalger Street, Brighton)

Day 8, 22nd Feb. Still going through old sketchbooks (2004)

Day 7, 21st Feb. Anth Clarke - Singer (& many other wonderful things) - The Marlborough, Brighton

Day 6, 20th Feb. My father in his studio having turned his lucid dreams into a virtual universe
Day 5, 19th Feb. Basement in junk shop

Day 4, 18th Feb. That train ride.

Day 3, 17th Feb. Sizmeister chill

Day 2, 16th Feb. Found in sketchbook (from 2002)

Day 1, 15th Feb. B doing her thing (Lewes)
After a short gap for some computer maintenance I will now do another 30 days…will start from 1 again!

Day 60, 9th Feb. (FINAL DAY) Going through boxes from loft, found this photo of my 16 year old self. Ha.

Day 59, 8th Feb. The wild wind sends its ripples (Worthing Pier)

Day 58, 7th Feb. This will all change

Day 57, 6th Feb. Life drawing

Day 56. 5th Feb. Early morning walk to work (West Worthing)

Day 55. 4th Feb. Mellow one (Worthing Pier)

Day 54, 3rd Feb. San Pedro Cacti, Metronome, The World

Day 53, 2nd Feb. Magritte Schoolboys (Worthing)

Day 52, 1st Feb. Frida

Day 51, 31st Jan. Snoopers Paradise (Brighton Lanes)

Day 50, 30th Jan. Alessia in the hotel room (Brighton)

Day 49. 29th Jan. Looking out of bus onto the promenade

Day 48, 28th Jan. Introspective solo walk (Goring-by-Sea)

Day 47. 27th Jan. Ridiculously quick impression

Day 46. 26th Jan. New found work spot

Day 45. 25th Jan. Rusty on the ole sketching, but you’ve got to start somewhere...

Day 44, 24th Jan. The other street lamps are slowly turning off. Any minute now.

Day 43, 23rd Jan. From Worthing Pier

Day 42, 22nd Jan. Mr Siz, Legend Cat

Day 41, 21st Jan. Meike looking at her new baby, Florence Heidi (Ami - Worthing)

Day 40, 20th Jan. Mini Van Gogh Chairs in the waiting room

Day 39. 19th Jan. Designing Students Personal Practice

Day 38, 18th Jan. Support

Day 37, 17th Jan. Maeve's first Sherbert Dip (The Candy House - London)

Day 36, 16th Jan. Brixton Bowie Tributes

Day 35, 15th Jan. Mahab’s Pushkin

Day 34, 14th Jan. Cocktail Hour (Whitechapel, London)

Day 33, 13th Jan. It’s a God dang rainbow

Day 32, 12th Jan. What will it whittle down to? (Words 2006-2016)

(Continuation) Day 31, 11th Jan. This, the day that Bowie died (Brighton beach)
Having shared a photo everyday for 30 days, I had a 2 day gap, then decided to continue for another 30 days. It is the same very simple premise (See Day 1 text at bottom of page).
This is a documentation process.
Over the period of this project, I am discovering what draws my attention, observing any repetitions in subject matter, whether a narrative of sorts emerges, or if there is an underlining feeling that has continuity between photographs.
I am watching this project unfold organically with no destination for the arrow. This is life; a succession of moments of awareness, some sharper than others. Life can be beautfiul one minute and utterly mundane or banal the next. We flit between many states throughout any given day. Now, the unfolding of this project continues.

Day 30, 9th Jan. Late afternoon stroll (Worthing)

Day 29, 8th Jan. Array of me Apparel
Day 28, 7th Jan. Tea Room (Worthing)

Day 27, 6th Jan. Without

Day 26, 5th Jan. Fadeout

Day 25, 4th Jan. Looking down the stairwell at place of work

Day 24, 3rd Jan. Spider under my mat

Day 23, 2nd Jan. Curtains before The Danish Girl (The Connaught, Worthing)

Day 22, 1st Jan 2016. Waiting in the car

Day 21, 31st Dec. Waking up at Twink & Allan's

Day 20, 30th Dec. From Brighton Pier

Day 19, 29th Dec. On the mantelpiece

Day 18, 28th Dec. Same as it ever was (Worthing Pier)
Day 17, 27th Dec. Old DMs, New DMs
Day 16, 26th Dec. Boxing Day walk (Ferring)
Day 15, 25th Dec. Kaffee und Kuchen

Day 14, 24th Dec. Dad’s old artwork (1976)

Day 13, 23rd Dec. Having a Butcher’s (Broadway Market, Hackney)

Day 12, 22nd Dec. Scarsbrook (Bar on Clapton Road)
Day 11, 21st Dec. Cartoon Hackney Dog (Broadway Market)

Day 10, 20th Dec. Beyond the misty curtain
Day 9, 19th Dec. Crazy Dice Game

Day 8, 18th Dec. On the phone to Arkem at dusk (Worthing)

Day 7, 17th Dec. Beach Path (Lancing)

Day 6, 16th Dec. One minute before midnight

Day 5, 15th Dec. Mums wreath

Day 4, 14th Dec. Saddhu Stace (Highdown)

Day 3, 13th Dec. Wonky bench (Lancing)

Day 2, 12th Dec. Christmas tat

Day 1, 11th Dec. Wanderers head
Project (Daily discipline):
Keep in the habit of seeing with the Artists lens.
Have camera with me every day.
Share one photo from that days collection, every day for 30 days
(regardless of whether happy with it or not)
Simply capturing one moment of awareness, no matter how simple, mundane or seemingly insignificant.
See what happens…