Note to self, on Values

I wrote this to myself when I was staying in a caravan in a field this Autumn in the Cotswolds, where I was working in a kitchen in the day and spent a lot of time writing at night, it was quite a solitary time. I wrote this in one sitting at about 4 in the morning on full moon when I couldn’t sleep.  There were quite a lot of restless nights of mind not shutting down and lots of questions and dissatisfied scrawls. With not much distraction, there was a lot of time to think. There were dark nights. This was a more urgent and ultimately postive night of writing.

I thought I could keep it to myself. Or I could just share it. So I went with the latter. 


The little green ramshackled caravan          


Working at night


Kindness, no matter what is going on. 

Kindness, kindness, kindness

Always remember how important this is and do not underestimate the effect this has on others even the tiniest of gestures.

It does matter

The only way to respond to madness is to stay sane

Do not have expectations of others, why should what someone else does affect your underlying wellbeing?

Trust in life’s unfolding, in its innate wisdom

Surrender to the unknown

Let go

Do not try to control life, listen to what is happening and respond to it accordingly

Go about your day offering positivity into the world, every interaction and gesture matters, it adds up to create your entire life

Be in the moment


Beneath all movement and activity is stillness, it’s always there, once you’ve accessed it you can always come back to it, it is beneath everything. 

Remember, now that you have direct experience of it, you can always remember and choose to reveal it in any given moment. 

Pay attention


Spend at the very least 10 minutes a day sitting quietly in meditation

Connect to the sun directly, closing your eyes, recharging and connect to the source whenever you can

Feel the cooling presence of the moon on your mind


Be that which you wish others to be for you

If you want something give it away

Dad: “life is one big cosmic soup waiting for you to add your unique ingredient”

Kevin: “life is a giant playground”

If you have an urge to respond to something, make art of some kind, be creative, go with that instinct, that is when things are authentic and potent, use that energy and direct it while it’s hot and full of fire, act quickly, seize the power

Try new things regularly

Gaze out of the window when travelling and let your mind wander

When you feel that impulsive feeling where you want to do something out of the ordinary to shake life up a bit, and you almost chicken out, like it’s close to slipping away, do it in that instant. You know how good it feels.

Why worry? The moment will be over before you know it.

Walk regularly, it is when you are between the two worlds

Be conscious of what you eat


Live through the heart, connect to it daily, this is your main practise as this Martina

“True wealth lies in the heart” Desikachar

Read regularly

Finish things before you start new projects

Always learn or develop a skill

Friendship, family and community is the most important thing

Do not identify with your thoughts, they are not who you are

Be generous and open hearted

After heart ache when your heart closes its doors, come back to your innate abundance again and again no matter how painful, stay connected, it’s part of being human to be hurt by others

If you feel you want to compliment someone give them a compliment, don’t hold back, you have no idea what it could mean to them

Charisma and charm are beautiful things to possess in life

Be true to yourself

Authenticity is everything

Allow your nature to be as it is, do not try to be anything other than yourself

No need to try to be anyone

We are all made up of the same stuff, treat people equally

Do not gossip or speak badly of others

Make art in whatever form you feel and share it with the world 


Write, develop this part always

Write everyday


Be there for your friends and remember what an honour it is to be able to help others when you are strong

Work hard, have a strong work ethic

Treat everyone with the respect they deserve

We are all equal

Respond to what is, not what you think it should be

Be generous

Live from a place of abundance

Share your vulnerability

In this fast paced world don’t feel like you have to keep up, stand still, do less than you are told to do. Being busy is lazy. Be still and focus on what is infront of you. 

One thing at a time.

Never take for granted when you are feeling mentally, physically and emotionally healthy, you know how awful depression is. Appreciate good health on all levels.

Always be there for friends, look out for friends in hard times

List 5 things at the end of each day you are grateful for

Spend time regularly being quiet

Life is too short for self doubt, you have a right to create and share what is real for you in this experience of being human

You could die tomorrow, so live fully and deeply with joy

The world responds energetically to what you are putting out

All of the experiences you are having now are as a result of past decisions and actions, what do you want to do now? Direct your attention and make it happen.




The Ambivalent Pony


Birds on wire 


Living in a field of black sheep



Blog 3, published on 24/11/15

© Martina Ziewe 2017