My friends to me are what one lover can never be.
It is absurd to imagine a thing exists such as one person to provide all these things.
Connection to my friends is one of the most important things in my life.
In our daily lives, we walk somewhat alone, going about our days, personal challenges, our routines or lack of them, with a unique rhythm, pace and direction.
On hard days it can feel like we are stumbling or dragging our bodies slowly and heavily with low reserves of energy.
On better days we walk with a confident stride, light on our feet, focused, present and alert to our surroundings.
On special occasions with a childlike playfulness we run or even leap.
When you need a connection:
Imagine a friend/s going about their lives, what they may have going on at that time and send them waves of love and good feeling. On some level whether conscious or not this will be of benefit to them. I know it to be true. Feel your connection to your friend, imagine walking side by side. This offering beyond yourself will immediately be of benefit to you.
When it is not possible to have your friends physically present (for example you have moved somewhere new or you have retreated a little) this does not ever take away from your friendships because we are all connected beyond our physicalities.
I truly understood this when one of my closest friend, Zsi, who I loved so deeply, died very shockingly and suddenly in an accident a few years ago. This had a massive impact on my state of consciousness and as a result of this shift I began living life even more fully and deeply than I had before.
Even though she was no longer physically present she became part of me. I recall her and feel her presence through the memories we share and what I learned through our beautiful friendship. She also occasionally visits me in dreams.
I have not been the same since this happened. It deepened further my appreciation for the value and importance of each person in my life and their contribution.
It is very important that we remind one another of the things we most value.
Our friendship goes beyond this meeting in the flesh. It is operating on a deeper level of the heart.
What warmth comes to my heart when I call to mind you, my sweet friends and beautiful tribe.
Beneath this walking of ones independent walk is this, I can visualise it:
An intricate, finely wired network - a web that supports and holds the mass of us.
We are each an important part of it.
This web grows richer, stronger and more colourful each time we reach out and connect whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Do not ever forget that your part in it effects each and everyone of us. Never underestimate the power and contribution you have. We notice. You may not think we do at times, but we are all seen. We all matter.
As the years pass on, the patterns of these interconnnections grow more intricate and intelligent. It is ever changing.These networks also move beyond our tribe. Each time we join together at gatherings we are given life, we can go back to our own lives fuller, more whole to share this feeling of love and warmth with others.
When one of us is going through a hard time, we are all holding you within this web of support. No one is forgotten. The light of your part in the web may glow a little less brightly at this time.
The rest of us will surround you and hold you and glow brighter to support you until you are ready, recharged and bright on your own again.
Then when it is someone elses turn we will do the same, again and again for every single one of us.
When lovers come and go friends will remain.
My friends to me,
are what one lover can never be.
You are all my loves.