Bjork striding through life spreading colour through darkness
It’s been a little while since I’ve written anything on here. The last time was when Bowie exited the ole stage.
Fairly often, I reflect on the transcient nature of life, its impermanence and questioning what its all about.
I move frequently between feeling my insignificance and tininess in the world while considering and figuring out my place in it, then feeling my potent energy and passionate lust for life, connecting to this enthusiasm for the gift of being alive. I understand how important it is to be conscious of the short time we spend here and respect that I must try and be of some use and make the most of the time while am here.
Very often it is common in our society that we praise someones life and appreciate their influence on us once they have died.
We reflect on how much they meant to us, what they taught us, we go through all the work that touched and influenced us. We may discover things we did not know while they were alive, things become more significant since they are no longer here in physical form. Work they created may be analysed more and may seem more meaningful. We are left with memories, work, objects, feelings and impressions.
This is natural of course, as death can be a dramatic way of drawing collective attention and energy as it is directed and focused on the individual. We may learn what that person meant to us, new wisdom and insights with the benefit of hindsight.
The dance of their life unique, so utterly their own, we may form a new picture, a deeper understanding and feeling for the essence of the person.
It is very often the case that death itself assists us in appreciating someone, sometimes sadly, more so than we did when they were alive.
But we must take time appreciating those who touch us while we are alive damn it. I feel very strongly about this. I wish people wrote a variation of eulogies while people are still alive more often. Maybe it would be a bit much to be fed back just how wonderful someone can be in the flesh?
I for one am happy to celebrate sharing my appreciation for those I deeply respect and admire.
I like to appreciate those who inspire and touch me, finding gratitude on a regular basis.
This website is an archiving process in itself, a way of sharing a few things (no matter how humble or small a gesture it is in the great scheme of things).
It is small gestures that make up our lives too, as well as more dramatic things. How much of life is mundane and normal alongside the more pertinent and deeper experiences? Quite a lot.
This is just one reason why it is so important to build up daily disciplines and habits that are meaningful in some way or contribute to a bigger web or picture. It is what amounts to create our whole life, moment by moment.
What do you choose to do everyday that can become a body of work or something that means something to you as an individual? I am asking myself this frequently at this time in my life as I figure out new directions and path ways. These daily habits build our whole life, it is what we may be remembered for.
Do not underestmate the power you have to effect others. If you forgot, small gestures do matter too. People remember the little things, I have learned that time and time again.
I will gradually be writing about people who inspire me here, particularly making room for women.
So now on that note…it is Bjork time.
Exisiting in the same life span as Bjork feels incredibly precious. I love her so very much. She is a beautiful freakish entity and there is no one like her.
My first introduction to her was one Saturday morning in 1993, I was watching Going Live, innocently eating my cereal while sitting cross legged on the floor looking up at the telly alone.
She popped up frying eggs singing in her quirky manner ‘Venus as a boy'. I had not seen anyone like her, there was something so other worldly about her, I was captivated in an instant and my little 10 year old brain pulsated somewhat. I gazed in curiosity, transfixed. Needless to say I was thrilled to lay eyes and ears upon her. Mezmerised by Bjork in that moment, deep impression made, only got deeper over the years to now.
See her roar and scream (click below) when she was in The Sugar Cubes in 1988, when she was just 23. I share this particular video as it is so very raw, a basic example of her monumental talent. Despite that this was a very early music video, the sound is weird and distorted, its quite a funny video and is generally quite jarring. It doesn’t effect how great she is and this comes through with intense power. This brings me a lot of joy everytime I come back to this. I watch this when I want to tap into a bit of her magic and crazy spirit. It just gets better and better over the years. Here she’s so into it she actually goes cross eyed. Cross eyed for Gods sake! It’s truly wonderful. This makes my heart flutter indeed.
Now, I am simply going to share some photos of this unbelievably creative, curious spirit. It reassures me to know she is alive and creating on this earth at this time right now. Even if she’s just asleep in this particualr moment she could potentially be having werid arsed dreams, or just speaking in her wonderful voice. You do not need me to tell you the reasons she is incredible. She just frickin is. You have your own relationship to her.
Bjork exists. Let’s just take a God dang moment. This reassures me and brings me an instant feeling of positivity.
How can I/you bring a little bit of Bjork into my/your life? What can she inspire in us?
She is a creative fire spirit, so utterly authentic and true to her unique nature. She’s a freak (compliment). She doesn’t care what people think. She works hard. She plays like a child with being alive.
Thank you Bjork you wonder spirit.
That is all. Peace.